

For all You've done, for all You''ll do
06.06.2010 at 4:45 p.m.

I promised to give glory back to God.. so here I am: It's amazing how I survived my first module.. doing assignments and cramming for exam and how i survived the third exam.

Here was my prayer: Lord! Jesus! I sincerely pray that you'll help me in this exam. Please help me as I only have effective 3 days to study. I thank you, I must not be ungrateful and forget, how you helped me through the pass modules.

Lord, I know that being sick has a purpose for me:
1) to start early when well
2)that I do well is depending on your strength and wisdorm

Lord, I know you will not short change me. Help me to have the discipline and focus to absorb. Lord I pray that my throat will be healed by tonight. In Jesus name!

The name that lords over the earth, the mighty name that conquered the cross and the grave. The same lord who's living in me. What is an exam to you as compared to the one who created the heavens and earth with all wisdom and knowledge?

Jesus, help me to do my best so that you can do the rest. Help me to remember your glory and when you said that faith as small as a mustard seed can move mountains, I know that my faith is very small because I look to myself; my own human strength.

How can i possibly score whilst preparing in such a short time? Yet you say with man it's impossbile but with God, everything is possible. With that I claim the promises.

Lord! I will do my best! Create the miracle and I give thanks in advance. In your precious, mighty name. Amen!

If it weren't for you, I might not be able to persist through.

I have a long way to go, and I know that you'll be there... to help me till the end.

Thank you God for all you've done.

"Where would I be without You Here in my life?"

listening to:
Here In My Life - Hillsongs

before ++ after



Passive Smoking